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Globus Connect Server version 4 Ends in December 2023

After more than ten years, Globus has announced the deprecation of Globus Connect Server v4. If you run Globus Connect Server v4, plan on upgrading to v5 prior to Winter Closure 2023.

Globus has put forward the following timeline for the end of GCSv4:

From a MinSec perspective, you are OK to continue running GCSv4 up until end-of-life, as Globus will continue providing security updates until the service is shut off on December 18. Once December 18 arrives, Globus Connect Server v4 will stop working entirely.

Globus Connect Personal

Globus Connect Personal is not affected by this announcement, and continues to work. However, you must be running Globus Connect Personal 3.2.0 or later.

To check for updates to Globus Connect Personal, run it, click on its icon in the menubar (or system tray), and select “Check For Updates”.

Changes to this site

Compared to version 4, Globus Connect Server version 5 has a very different installation procedure. That means this site’s existing Server documentation is no longer valid.

All of the existing server pages will be updated with a note saying that Globus Connect Server v4 has been deprecated. Eventually, the pages will be replaced with a redirect, but users will be given an opportunity to see the old content via the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine.

Once Globus Connect Server 5 content is available, a new news post will appear!

Upgrading to version 5

Globus have created a very detailed migration guide, explaining how you can perform an in-place upgrade to Globus Connect Server 5.4.

Globus have also created a migration tool, gcs-migration, which will…

  • Sanity-check your existing GCSv4 installation;

  • Create a migration plan;

  • Identify potential upgrade problems (and later, check if the problems have been resolved); and

  • Perform part of the migration.

The migration is finalized using the globus-connect-server command, which is installed as part of Globus Connect Server v5.

Migration Downtime

All of the preparation work can be completed without downtime. Installing the gcs-migration tool does not disrupt an existing Globus Connect Server v4 installation. If upgrade problems are found, you might need to take a downtime to resolve them, before doing the upgrade.

If you have a Globus Connect Server v4 endpoint with multiple servers, your migration downtime will be less than 30 minutes. You will take one server offline for the first part of the migration, then take all servers offline for the final cutover.

If you have a Globus Connect Server v4 endpoint with only a single server, your migration downtime will be longer (an hour or more). The entire migration will need to be performed during a downtime. Howeve, sanity-checking and upgrade preparation can be performed without needing a downtime.

Firewall changes

If you have a host or network firewall in place, you will need to make some changes, compared to GCSv4:

  • Before your upgrade, you need to open inbound TCP port 443 to the world. GCSv5 uses port 443 for administrative control of endpoints, for GridFTP control traffic, and for HTTPS downloads.

    With GCSv5, many administrative tasks are accomplished by making API calls directly to the endpoint (instead of to Globus HQ). Those API calls come in over TLS on TCP port 443, from wherever you are running the globus-connect-server command.

    GridFTP control traffic continues to come from Globus’s public IP range, GridFTP control traffic previously came in on port 2811.

    GCSv5 gives the ability for users to upload and download files via HTTPS. In those cases, users will be connecting to your endpoint over TLS on TCP port 443.

    If your firewall rule has an application profile configured, be sure to configure both the tls and the gridftp application types.

  • After the upgrade to GCSv5, you can remove the rule allowing connections to inbound TCP ports 2811 amd 7512. Port 2811 was used for GridFTP control traffic, which now uses TCP port 443. Port 7512 was used for MyProxy traffic, which has been replaced with OIDC over TCP port 443.

The firewall rules opening TCP and UDP ports 50000 through 51000—inbound and outbound—need to remain. These continue to be used for GridFTP data traffic.

If you use outbound firewall rules, those do not need to change.

Upgrade Support

If you have questions regarding an upgrade, or experience issues, you should contact Globus Support for assistance. Globus Support is most available during US/Central business hours, during weekdays (not holidays).