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IPv6 Support and Deployment Changes

Recent releases of Globus Connect Server have introduced major changes around IPv6 and Deployment Keys. Read on to learn what has changed!

IPv6 Support

With Globus Connect Server 5.4.70, Globus added support for IPv6!

How to Get IPv6 at Stanford

Stanford supports IPv6 for firewalled and un-firewalled networks in the Campus and Research VLAN Areas. The process for requesting a public IPv6 network is slightly different for firewalled and non-firewalled VLANs:

For a non-firewalled network, open a NetDB HelpSU: In your request, you should…

  • Provide the NetDB Name of your network.

  • Provide the VLAN number and area (Campus, Research, etc.) for your network, for verification.

  • Ask for a public IPv6 subnet.

For a firewalled network, go to the Netdocs request page, select your Netdocs project, and click the Ok button. Then, click the button Request something else for your project. In your request, you should…

  • Provide the name of the firewall, vsys, and zone where the VLAN lives.

  • Ask for a public IPv6 subnet.

You will be allocated a /64 IPv6 subnet. You will be able to allocate IPv6 addresses in NetDB in the same way as with IPv4.

If you choose to use DHCP, you will get your IP address by DHCPv6, and default gateway by IPv6 autoconfiguration (Route Advertisements). If you choose to use static addresses, the default gateway is the ::1 address on your network (so, for subnet 2607:f6d0:30:826::/64, the default gateway is 2607:f6d0:30:826::1). Campus DNS is available at IPv6 IPs 2607:f6d0:0:53::64:53 and 2607:f6d0:0:53::67:53.

After you have IPv6 configured, you will need to update your host and/or network firewall rules to allow the same connections through IPv6 as with IPv4. Once that is done, you can proceed to set up IPv6 on Globus!

Configuring Globus for IPv6

Globus Connect Server now supports dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 for Globus web access, which handles API connections from Globus HQ and HTTPS downloads from users. Support for GridFTP transfers over IPv6 is available now through a hidden option: You can use it now; it will be un-hidden in a future release, once documentation is ready.

The globus-connect-server node … series of commands—specifically node setup and node update—have been updated to support IPv6 addresses. There are two changes:

  • The --ip-address option can now be used twice, once with an IPv4 address and once with an IPv6 address.

  • The --data-interface option takes an IPv4 address only. If you use the --ip-address option twice—once with an IPv4 address and once with an IPv6 address—you need to include this option, with the IPv4 address you provided to --ip-address.

  • The hidden --data-interface6 option takes an IPv6 address. If you use the --ip-address option twice—once with an IPv4 address and once with an IPv6 address—you need to include this option, with the IPv6 address you provided to --ip-address.

You can use the above options with globus-connect-server node update to update an existing Data-Transfer Node, or you can use the above options with globus-connect-server node setup to set up a new Data-Transfer Node.

For example, if you have a DTN, UUID aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee, with IPv4 IP, you could add IPv6 IP 2607:f6d0:30:123::456 with this command:

globus-connect-server node update aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee --ip-address --data-interface --ip-address 2607:f6d0:30:123::456 --data-interface6 2607:f6d0:30:123::456

After updating your Data-Transfer Node, you can verify the change took effect by doing a DNS lookup of your Endpoint’s domain name. You can find this by going to the Globus File Manager Collections tab and looking up your endpoint. Your domain will be a subdomain of or It may take a few minutes to update, but a DNS lookup of your endpoint’s domain name should now return both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses!

Deployment Key changes

The other major recent change was made to Deployment Keys.

If you have a Globus Connect Server endpoint created prior to GCS 5.4.67 (released on September 20), and you upgrade today, be prepared for a deployment-key conversion. You will need your Deployment Key, Globus Auth Client ID, and Globus Auth Client Secret. At the end, you will need to save an updated Deployment Key. Read on for details.

The Secrets of a Globus Endpoint

Every Globus Connect Server v5.4 endpoint has two secrets: A Client Secret, and a Deployment Key.

When you create a new Globus Connect Server endpoint, the globus-connect-server endpoint setup command creates a “deployment key”. This is a JSON file containing an RSA private key. Your endpoint information—as an encrypted blob—is kept at Globus HQ, and synced between Data-Transfer Nodes as their configurations change. This is what allows you to set up new Data-Transfer Nodes, without needing to copy configuration between Nodes.

Prior to GCS 5.4.61, before doing the Endpoint setup, you would have to go to the Globus Developers site, and get a Globus Auth Client ID and Secret. These OAuth 2.0 credentials are used by the GCS Endpoint software to authenticate to Globus HQ.

GCS Changes

On April 21, GCS 5.4.61 was released, and included a non-breaking change: Running globus-connect-server endpoint setup would handle creating the Globus Auth credentials for the endpoint. Admins would not have to go to the Globus Developers web site: They would be given the Client ID and Secret on the command-line. Admins would still have to provide the Client ID and Secret, whenever running globus-connect-server node … commands.

GCS 5.4.67—released September 20—introduced a major change, which requires administrator intervention: Starting in GCS 5.4.67, the deployment key has been updated to contain the Globus Auth Client ID and Secret used for the endpoint. Admins would no longer be given the Client Secret; it would be included in the Deployment Key file. And existing Endpoints would no longer accept older Deployment Keys, without first doing a conversion.

What To Do

Now that you know what has changed, what do you do?

New GCSv5 Installations

If you are are setting up a new Globus Connect Server Endpoint, just follow the installation instructions. At the end of the endpoint setup process, you will get a single secret to maintain: The Deployment Key file. Keep this file safe.

In the Globus Developers site, you will see a Project; and within that Project, you will see an entry for your new GCSv5 endpoint. The Globus Auth Client UUID will match your Endpoint’s UUID, and there will be one Client Secret—which the globus-connect-server endpoint setup command automatically created—stored in the Deployment Key.

Some third-party web sites might talk about needing to create a Globus Auth Client, or about storing a Client ID or Secret. Those sites are now out-of-date; the Client ID and Secret are stored in your Deployment Key file.

Existing GCSv5 Installations

If you are upgrading a Globus Connect Server endpoint from a version prior to GCS 5.4.64, here is what you will need to do:

  • Before upgrading any Data-Transfer Nodes, make sure you have the Deployment Key file on the node.

    If you cannot find your Deployment Key file, stop. Do not upgrade Globus Connect Server, and do not do any more maintenance on your Data-Transfer Nodes. Contact Globus immediately to see if it is possible to reconstruct your Deployment Key.

    Also, if you cannot find your Client Secret, stop. Your Endpoint is not in danger, but you should still Contact Globus to be guided through how to create a new Client Secret.

  • Begin the normal upgrade process, but if you have diskless nodes that upgrade by re-deploying, then for this upgrade only, you should upgrade the existing packages via the package manager.

    For each Data-Transfer Node, after you finish installing the updated Globus packages, run the globus-connect-server endpoint key convert command. You will need to provide the Deployment Key file, and the Client Secret. You will need to run this command on each Data-Transfer Node.

  • After all Data-Transfer Nodes are upgraded, run the globus-connect-server endpoint upgrade command as normal.

    Finally, save your updated Deployment Key! The old Deployment Key JSON file won’t work anymore.